Tuesday, December 18, 2007

It's all the same, only the names are changed...

So I have successfully completed one term at Library School!! Woo hoo!

I have decided to keep writing in this blog, or at least try to. I really rarely have anything to say but I thought I'd give it a go. So in honour of that, I changed the name of the blog and it will be more personal and less library related than it was. I'm going to try to still talk about information studies stuff - but I didn't really do that when I was getting marked on this blog so we'll see if I talk about IS stuff when I'm not getting marked.

So my thought for this blog is a quick one. It's about snow! I love snow! Sure, it's annoying to shovel and get around when the streets are full of it. But this is Canada! We should be used to it. It filled my heart with such joy to walk around a few days ago when we got that big blizzard. This is what December is SUPPOSED to be like. Last year's weather at this time was down-right scary! It was green and warm and rainy. I found that kind of weather extremely creepy because it seems a sign that we really have screwed up our planet. It makes me feel better to have snow around and cold temperatures. Of course it is supposed to be +3 tomorrow and rain but at least it snowed and was cold for a little bit!